
The web site of feverdropbox

This will turn good in time

Hello, welcome

Heyo, what's up? Welcome to my blog where I'll be talking about all things happening'to'me.

I don't know how fun this will be, but it WILL definitely be something. And that's always better than nothing, so just tune in, okay?


Backstory: I originally had a blogger but got really bored of it, the layout was daunting after a while. At some point I stopped logging in to vent my deepest most stupidest thoughts, and realized it was because it just wasn't customizable enough. Now I'm here out of sheer willpower alone, to learn how to code, namely from not wanting to bore myself to a meltdown with blogger alone.

I think that's pretty fun.

- Warnings, in the strangest way -

I get really over-thinky and sometimes talk about shit that just doesn't matter I think.

I think it's time we start my first entry.

12.11.22. Today, 6:13 AM. I'm sat in my room and wondering what to major in. If I told you what I really actually wanted, you'd think I'm crazy and stupid, so I'm not gonna go that far. I actually had a topic I ragequitted blogger for specifically to talk about. It had to do with my issue with studying. I have this whole big issue with it and it really, really sucks. Every time I try - no matter what it is - my head pounds and pounds, part of me thinks it's from my depression. Luckily, I bought a 'DEPRESSION FOR DUMMIES' book and it's actually working pretty good wonders. It's like therapy in a book. Honestly. And I've been neglecting my depression for years. Only now, that I think I wanna do a really difficult major, is it that I decide to address the depression and defeat it. I will, I think. Yeah, I will.

But I can't do that lying stuff to myself. The reaffirmations. The 'NO, I DEFINITELY WILL' shit. It doesn't work with me. I have to just throw the reassurance in the air and let it go and forget about it. Yeah, I will defeat depression... just cuz.
